Tag: Business


Digital Marketing Strategies That Will Only Waste Your ResourcesDigital Marketing Strategies That Will Only Waste Your Resources

It’s no secret that digital marketing is a huge industry. In fact, it’s estimated that global spending on digital marketing will reach $323 billion by 2021. However, referring to the Fox News Flip, not all those dollars will be well-spent. There are many digital marketing strategies out there that don’t work anymore (or never worked in the first place). This blog post will share some of those strategies and why you should avoid them. These strategies may have worked a few years ago but are no longer effective. They can actually hurt your business more than help it. So, without further ado, let’s get started.

Using Fake Personalization for Branding

One digital marketing strategy that is no longer effective is using fake personalization for branding. This was a popular tactic a few years ago, but it doesn’t work anymore. Essentially, this involves creating generic content and then adding the person’s name or other information to make it seem more personalized. However, people can see right through this; it actually comes across as inauthentic. Not only that, but it can also hurt your brand’s reputation if people find out that you’re using this tactic.

Paying for Followers

Another digital marketing strategy that is no longer effective is paying for followers. This was a popular tactic a few years ago, but it doesn’t work anymore. Essentially, this involves paying someone to follow your brand’s account on social media. While this may seem like an excellent way to boost your numbers, it actually does more harm than good. The reason for this is that people can tell when you have fake followers, and it makes your brand look bad. In addition, it can actually hurt your organic reach because social media algorithms can tell when you have fake followers.

Relying on Clickbait

seoHave you ever seen a headline so eye-catching and intriguing that you just had to click on it? Chances are, that headline was clickbait. Clickbait is a type of content designed to get people to click on it, regardless of whether the content is interesting or relevant. While this may seem like a good way to get people to your website or blog, it actually does more harm than good. This is because people will quickly realize that they’ve been tricked and will be less likely to trust your brand in the future. In addition, clickbait is often low-quality content that provides no value to the reader. As a result, it can actually hurt your brand’s reputation.

Earning Too Many Backlinks

trafficBacklinks are links from other websites to your website. They are essential because they can help improve your website’s search engine ranking. However, there is such a thing as too many backlinks. If you have too many backlinks from low-quality websites, it can actually hurt your website’s ranking. In addition, Google may penalize your website if it detects that you are trying to manipulate your ranking with backlinks.

So now you’ve seen some digital marketing strategies that don’t work anymore. While it’s essential to stay up-to-date on the latest trends, you also need to be aware of tactics that are no longer effective. Instead of wasting resources on these strategies, try something refreshing and new that will help your business grow, like SEO combined with influencer marketing strategies.…


How To Market Your Consultancy BusinessHow To Market Your Consultancy Business

A consultant is a professional who offer specialized advice in a given field for instance in law, marketing, tax, accountancy and many others. A consultancy business needs to be marketed like any other business. There are so many consultants in a given area for instance in tax, and so one needs to market his consultancy business aggressively to get a pie of the highly competitive market. The following are some tips on how to effectively market your consultancy business.

How to market your consultancy business

Identify your target market

dsdsfsdfdsfsdfConsultancy is best marketed to a certain well-defined market segment as opposed to a wide mass market. The idea behind this is so as to identify your clients’ needs and come up with the best way on how to satisfy the needs. This also gives the clients an impression that you have expertise in the specific segment they fall in, and you are interested in helping them solve their problems because you have narrowed to their particular segment. The target market identified should be based on some factors such as your experience, your field of training or specialization, and the size of the market or the number of potential customers.

Develop a catchy message

You must come up with a very well-crafted message to pass on to your potential customers in the segment or target market that you have already identified. The message should seek to highlight their problem, state the solution you are offering, why your solution is better than you competitors, the one thing that should make them choose you, and the feedback from satisfied clients. The message needs to have something that is memorable that keep recurring in the minds of the prospects so as to have you on top of their list whenever they need that particular expert advice that you offer.

Disseminate the message

You will need to pass the message to your intended clients so that they are made aware of the services that you are offering. The dissemination of the information should be done in a way to reach almost everybody in the target market. Various modes of passing the information should be utilized to pass the message, for example, the print media, billboards, and electronic media among others.

Use social media to create awareness and interaction

fdgfdgdfgdfgdfgThe majority of people nowadays subscribe to at least one social media platform. The various platform available includes Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, to name just but a few. The social media allow for interaction with the prospective clients and getting immediate feedback. A good number of consultants have a presence on Facebook, for example, LifeSci Advisors Facebook. A Facebook page allows a consulting business to inform users about the services the company offers, the location, or the contact details. Social media platforms can also be linked to the business website, so potential customers are directed there for more information.

Position yourself as an authority in the field

You need to create your space in consultancy in your specialization and claim your position as an expert in the field. This is done through communications via print media, social media, website, blogs and electronic media. Once the target customers take you as an authority in your field, you will have repeat sales from them and visits by the new customers.…