AL Media Club Entertainment Bowling Hacks That Will Make You a Better Bowler

Bowling Hacks That Will Make You a Better Bowler


Are you looking to up your bowling game? Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced bowler, these tips will help you score more strikes and spares. You may be thinking that it’s all about techniques and all. Well, that’s quite right. But you also need to dress and gear up properly. From shoes to bowling shirts, you need to put the best on yourself. When it comes to bowling shoes, i bought pink ones, you can see all of their bowling shoes here. Now let’s keep reading. We’ll cover everything from choosing the right bowling ball to adjusting your stance and release point. So read on, and start rolling those strikes.

Pay More Attention to the Arrows

One of the most important things you can do when bowling is to pay attention to the arrows on the lane. The arrows are there to guide you as to where you should aim your ball. If you’re not paying attention to the arrows, you will likely not hit your target. So when you’re at the bowling alley, take a moment to look at the arrows and see where they’re pointing. Then, when you’re ready to bowl, aim for the arrow.

Understand the Nature of the Oil and a Good Bowl

glossOiling a bowling alley is necessary to keep the lanes in good condition. But oil sometimes gives you some pain if you don’t understand how it affects your ball. Too much oil on the lane will likely make your ball hook too much. Conversely, your ball will probably not hook enough if there’s not enough oil. So what’s the ideal amount of oil? It depends on your bowling style. If you’re a power bowler, you’ll probably want more oil so your ball can hook more. But if you’re a control bowler, you might want less oil, so your ball doesn’t hook too much. Ultimately, it’s up to you to experiment and see what works best for you.

Make Use of the 40 Narrow Boards

The 40 boards that make up a bowling lane are narrower than they look. They’re only about 10 inches wide, meaning your ball doesn’t have a lot of room to wander. So if you’re having trouble hitting your target, try aiming for the middle of the board. The narrow boards will help guide your ball toward the pins. It would also help if you tried to keep your ball in the middle of the lane. This will help you avoid running into the gutter.

Focus on the Two Lines of Dots

bowling dotsWhen you’re at the bowling alley, take a look down the lane, and you’ll see two lines of dots. The first line is 7 feet from the foul line, and the second line is 15 feet from the foul line. These lines are there to help you with your aim. If you’re having trouble hitting your target, try aiming for the second line of dots. The added distance will give you a better chance of hitting your target.

Becoming a better bowler, whether you want to enter a championship or improve your game, is a process that takes time and commitment. But by following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a pro bowler. So put on your shoes, grab your ball, and head to the bowling alley. And don’t forget to aim for the arrows.